Sunday Drive May 3, 2020

We attended Sunday School on Zoom and watched our church service on YouTube this morning.

After lunch and a nap Kathy wanted to get out of the house and go for a ride. So did I, for that matter! Lucy didn't object, either! We had heard that people were storming the stores today in New York ignoring "social distancing" and many without masks. I decided to go through Bennington first and see if things were that crazy locally! This was Wal-Mart = very few cars present. Of course, the lawn and garden centers weren't allowed to open yet in Vermont, which might have had something to do with it. Home Depot across the street was equally empty.

We went through downtown Bennington, which was dead. Being Sunday, most everything was closed.

From there we drove east on Route 9 up into Woodford/Searsburg. There was a fair amount of traffic on Rt. 9. A number of people were parked along the brook enjoying the sun. I don't think the water was warm enough for swimming - high and cold.
The State Park was still closed, but the entrance was crammed with cars from people who walked in.

I got a photo of the big windmills up in Searsburg. They are hard to make out against the clouds.

We went down Searsburg and drove in to the trail along the Harriman Reservoir. That was gated off, but again the entrance was crammed with cars.

Wilmington was deserted. Little was open and there were few out on the sidewalks.

We drove north on Rt. 100. There was still snow on Mt. Snow, even though the temperature was in the 70's.

Once we got north of Wilmington there was almost no traffic and no one around. We saw a couple out biking and a couple of cars. Might have had something to do with where we were!

We went through Jamaica, which was totally deserted except for a few people lined up outside the General Store to get things handed out to them. No one was allowed inside. The next few towns north were little different. Bromley had snow on it also.

We went down the mountain to Manchester and down new Rt. 7 to Arlington. That didn't have much traffic on it, either.

From Arlington we took Rt. 313 to Cambridge and 22 south to County Route 68, then home. It was a nice trip. Good to be out!


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