Something to Do During the Shutdown

As Cemeteries are not generally crowded at most times, and especially during the present time, and many people want photos of certain gravestones, now is a good time to take some photos for others, while getting in a walk on the side.

If you are a member of Find A Grave,, or become one (free), you can get a list of cemetery photos needed in your area in various cemeteries, go and take photos, and upload them to Find-A-Grave. Below is a list of photos needed in my area. Be warned you won't find some. Stones are missing, people think their ancestors are buried in one cemetery when they are buried in another, many stones have become illegible from weathering, etc. Please don't damage stones with soap or chalk. Here is a link to safely reading gravestone inscriptions:

Billion Graves is another site that does the same thing but is focused on cellphone photos and geolocation.

Keep well away from others if anyone else is there. Have fun, enjoy the walk, and stay safe.


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