Circling the Drain

Wasting time online watching the stock market bounce up and down circling the drain! I'm guessing the Dow will drop below 27,000 before close, although big banks and government may intervene to prevent it. This afternoon's CDC report probably isn't going to help much. They don't foresee an available vaccine for a year.

In the meantime, people are going to start cancelling vacations, especially cruises and other such things that cram people together in close quarters. The CDC recommended keeping social distance. Other events like sports will be more sparsely attended - people will rather watch them at home on TV.

If it gets going here, schools will have to be shut down. Educational Institutions probably should cancel holidays and Spring Vacation and get through the year as quickly as possible, then close and send the students home. They should also cancel all sports, which trucks diseases from school to school. But I doubt they are that forward thinking. They also should be moving forward on replacing lectures and large meetings with the Internet.

The Navy is trying to clear sailors before letting them board ships, but with a disease where people can have it for 24 days or so with no symptoms, or be carriers but not get it, that seems like a hopeless task. They had better cancel all leaves for the duration and keep what healthy sailors they have on board, being resupplied by air or remotely controlled boats.

We are so dependent on China that even if we don't experience the virus as they do, supply lines are already drying up and businesses will be laying off. Many medicines may start to be in short supply or unavailable. On the good side, oil prices are already falling as people cut down on traveling.

Most of us are going to get it regardless of what precautions we take. Avoiding hugs and handshakes, being in close quarters with others, wearing gloves and masks, washing hands often and keeping them away from your face, etc. may be helpful, but many of the patients in China are doctors and medical staff who have protective equipment and take precautions. It has also been shown possible that it can travel through sewer vapors, so avoiding public bathrooms might help. Sure, take precautions but don't expect too much of them.

The Contagion Rate appears to be about 2.5, though it hasn't been around long enough to be sure. This means that every person who gets it gives it to 2.5 other people. For flu it is only about 1.3. The mortality rate for flu is .095%, meaning less than 1 person in 100 dies of it. For Covid - 19 it is again too early to be sure, but is estimated at about 3% and may be as high as 5%. So 3 to 5 out of 100 will die. But there are reports that surviving it and getting it a second time gives you even worse odds. Resistance doesn't seem to last very long - which isn't good news for a vaccine, either. Anyway, the foolish statement going around that the flu is much more dangerous than Covid - 19 just isn't so.

In China, it has mostly been men who have died, they think largely because Chinese men are such heavy smokers. It is possible that if that is true, the death rate in America might be far lower. But if you already have lung problems, you might want to take extra precautions.

Well, it looks like the stock market leveled out above 27,000 after almost going below it earlier on. Wonder what next week will bring.

Guess I'll watch the debate tonight, not that I am a Democrat. But last week it was fun to watch Mike Bloomberg get roasted, and from what I've read tonight is Bernie's turn! I am still a registered Republican, but have become a Libertarian at heart and I'll probably change officially after the election. New York makes it so difficult to change parties that I won't try it before.


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