Alarm Fatigue

Is it a good thing to continually live at “Battle Stations?

It has long been known in the military that you cannot maintain a high state of alert indefinitely. A warship cannot stay at Battle Stations for weeks. The longer you maintain a state of never-ending alert, the more you lose your edge. People begin to zone out, doze off, and make mistakes. Little seems to be written on the subject, but it is well known. Today medical personnel undergo the same process as alarm after alarm goes off, and they run from case to case. This is called “alarm fatigue” or “alert fatigue”. But this article is not directly about the above.

Let’s look at something different – the immune system. When a virus invades a body, the cells attacked send a signal to the immune system, which responds with antibodies, T-cells, and other weaponry to eliminate the threat. Inflammation is one such weapon. Once the threat is successfully dealt with, the system stops producing new weaponry. The antibodies gradually fade away. Inflammation also goes away. However, the immune system does remember the threat and can quickly respond to a new threat from the same source without going through the learning curve all over again.

A vaccine-produced response is a different story. A vaccine fools the immune system into reacting as if there was an attack happening, when in fact there is not. So the immune system learns in much the same way as if the body was really being attacked, but without the risk. Under ordinary circumstances, this is fine. The antibodies go away but the immune system remembers the threat and how to deal with it.

But now suppose the threat is a virus that multiplies so quickly that even if the immune system remembers it, it cannot respond fast enough to avoid being overwhelmed by the virus. The temptation is to keep giving booster doses of vaccine to keep a high level of antibodies circulating in the body ready to repel any invasion. There are risks to this approach. Antibodies sometimes attack the wrong places and can damage internal organs. In other words, like sentries on alert, they make mistakes. The longer there is no real threat, the more mistakes they may make and the more damage may add up. Prolonged inflammation also causes damage. If the virus also mutates frequently and appears as a new threat, there is of course a temptation to change the vaccine in accordance and give yet another injection.

What I am saying is that the present course we are on of giving Covid boosters every few months may prove to be a very dangerous one. I do not know that it WILL, but no one seems to be thinking about the possibility of it and I have seen no studies on the issue. Before people start sickening and dying as a result of our own attempt to defeat the Covid virus, perhaps we should get moving on studying the issue. And of course the studies should NOT be done by anyone associated with the vaccine companies or having any other conflict of interest.

Another thing to think about is how many different enemies can the immune system fight at once? One? Two? Ten? People are being given all kinds of vaccines today, often at short time intervals (especially the young). Is this hyping up of the immune system the cause of the auto-immune “diseases” prevalent today? The antibodies mistakenly attack our own organs?

It seems to me that in the natural order, the immune system usually fights one disease at a time. Once it has defeated the disease, the antibodies are allowed to subside to minimum levels or disappear unless the same disease strikes a second time. We do not maintain high levels of antibodies against multiple diseases at once and for long periods of time. It is likely that this is because this strategy is dangerous to us.

As I mentioned above, I am not an immunologist nor do I know if the above analogy is valid. Do not quote me as saying it is! I am not anti-vaccine and have had two doses of Moderna and a booster myself. However, I do think it is something that should be given serious study before the vaccine makers are allowed to sell the politicians on the “endless booster” routine, which of course guarantees them large profits.

In my opinion, it is past time to step back and think about what we are doing. One definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over in the same way and expecting to get different results”. There are way too many “scientific studies” that have not been peer reviewed or replicated yet are being seized upon as justification for lockdowns, mandates, vaccine passports, and other divisive things, which are of extremely questionable value but are being seized upon by the power-hungry and greedy in government. Too many “scientists” who totally disagree with each other. Too many politicians worrying about losing the 2022 elections if the covid isn’t under control by then. We need to just back off and work on completing some studies and doing new ones to get definitive results. We also need leadership, not “bossyship”. Why should anyone at all listen to politicians who don’t do what they mandate others do? To “leaders” who tell lie after lie?

The death rate of the virus is not that great that we have to rush as we have been, especially with deployment of some of the new medicines. If the healthcare system getting overrun is that important we wouldn’t be firing healthcare workers who were heroes yesterday for not being vaccinated. And if the healthcare system was adequate it wouldn’t be in the situation it is in. That is a problem that needs immediate work. This is not the last time a pandemic will occur.

For the internet censors, these are just my “opinions” on the issues, so shouldn’t be “fact checked” !


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