Big December Storm

      We had the first real snowstorm of winter last night and this morning. Got 17 inches when it was through, but they got more to the south, about 31 inches in Clifton Park, I've read.


     I set the alarm for 3:30 AM, got up, had a cup of coffee, and went out and used the roof rake to get some of the snow off the roofs (except for the garage, which can take the load.). That took me until 5. I then went back to bed and tried to get back to sleep. I finally dozed off, but it seemed like that was just before Spice the cat woke me up to feed her! Went back to bed again, but woke up at nearly 8AM. Lucy wanted to go out, but when I opened the door she backed away, so I pushed her out. She just about disappeared into the snow! After turning around a couple of times, she managed to do her duty close to the door and dashed back in. After I dried her off she lay on the couch and stared at me like I had betrayed her! I grabbed another coffee and went back out to battle the elements. I did the roofs first as there was more snow on them than before I cleaned them off at 3:30 and it was still coming down. 

     I then got the snowblower out and cleared a path for Lucy along her run, along with shoveling the handicap ramp and the doorways. The end of the driveway was completely plugged where the County plowed it in, so I used the snowblower to clear that and the mailbox - that made it work!

     The car had disappeared into the snow. A floor push broom got that off. I knew there was a car under this! 

      When I parked the snowblower back in the shed, there was oil all over the right side of it. Something blew a seal, either the axle or the engine. Now I'll have to find that and repair it before the next storm!

     I had to cancel my doctor appointment in Slingerlands. Haven't managed to see my eye doc in about a year, because of the Covid and now this. He is retiring at the end of December, so I guess I never will see him. I picked a new doc in Bennington - much closer but I can't get in there until March.

     It is supposed to get really cold now, and windy. However, only snow showers are forecast every couple of days until next Thursday, when there are supposed to be rain showers and temperatures in the 40's F into Christmas Eve. But who knows that far out?

     Who is the person that ordered this snow? I need to have a talk - out behind the garage!


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