Is This Going to be the Next Big Thing?

     I recently read a two year old article from the Guardian, which you should read through before continuing with this article: . Otherwise you won't understand what I am writing about.

     This seems so sad to me. Loneliness is epidemic now. People are having fewer and fewer children, and more and more elderly folks are totally alone in their old age. For a great many people, pets are the only company they have. It is not good to be alone.

     Surely, some people take this to extremes. Dogs and cats are not "people" or "children", nor should they be treated as such. They are not replacements for other human beings. Still, we and they need each other, and they are good company.

     As far as the animals go; sure, there are some kinds of animals that should not be kept as pets. But most domesticated animals have been kept by humans for many thousands of years. The great majority could not survive if turned out into the wild. Those that could would go feral and become dangerous. The others would shortly cease to exist, going extinct in a generation or two at best.

     I do not know if this is part of the radical environmentalists' attacks on animals such as cows that they think are dangerous to the environment. The attacks do seem to be coming from the far left, not the far right. But if you care about the environment, the fewer species there become the more danger we are in. Cow farts are part of nature, and cattle simply replaced the buffalo here in America. It is humanity and our industrial-based activities that need to be addressed, not keeping animals either as pets or to make a living from.

     Personally, I grew up around animals and have always had dogs and cats, sometimes hamsters and other animals. I pity those who have none because it is "inconvenient" or because their house might have muddy footprints, pet hair or appear messy. Who cares? Better to have the company and the fun! After you are gone, no one will care how sterile, beautiful, clean, etc. your house was. If you are remembered at all in 20 years, it will be by people who enjoyed you, your pets and children, and felt at ease when visiting your place.


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