History is interesting

I have been busy doing historical research, along with other end-of-summer stuff like fixing the roof.

I recently wrote up an article on White Creek, the Arlington Tories, and Seth Chase which research illustrated to me that though the US is divided today, it has been that way before. As have many of the injustices and abuses that go along with such division and anger.

Families were split over the issues, and in some cases members ended up shooting at each other in battle.

The Quakers were persecuted by both sides because they tried to remain neutral and refused to take up arms or support the military.

Some folks pretended to support both sides, depending on whom they were talking to. They usually succeeded in avoiding problems, but were rather despised.

People were arrested and imprisoned without trial.

Committees largely unaccountable to anyone were formed to investigate disloyalty.  Property was seized and sold with no recourse to the owners of it. Many people were just ordered out of the country with the clothes on their backs, including unaccompanied minors and widows.

Much like today, fake news and propaganda were rampant and used to stir up hatred by both sides.

You had to watch everything you said, lest it be misinterpreted and/or used against you.

Fortunately, after the war and the ensuing depression were over, people looked to the future and the hatreds and divisions began to fade. There was virtually unlimited land and opportunities and new people flooded in who weren't in America during the war. There was no standing military and no intelligence agencies spying on everyone. America stayed out of war and pretty much minded their own business until 1812. (Not that there wasn't some intrigue and activity going on behind the scenes).

I am not so sure the same thing will happen this time. People no longer seem to look to the future, but are obsessed with the past. All they seem to dwell on is past injustices and "getting even" for them.

Available land is scarce and housing prices in the stratosphere. Taxes, rules, and regulations make it prohibitively expensive to start a new business, not to mention the need to borrow money and go into debt to do so. There is little opportunity for young people to be able to make a decent living. We have moved from being a "NIMBY" nation to being a "NOTHING EVER in my backyard" nation. Everything has to be regulated by government before it is allowed.

Rather than a nation of independent farmers and small businessmen, who stood on their own two feet and worked to provide for themselves and their families, we have become a nation of government dependents. Even businesses depend on government handouts and tax breaks. Most people avoided debt in Colonial times if at all possible, and paid off the loan as quickly as they could if they had to borrow. Nowadays everyone, including the government, is head over heels in debt.

Political Correctness has made people afraid to say anything as someone will twist it and use it against them. Censorship is now increasing exponentially. Guilt by accusation and trial by media are replacing the law.

The US has been almost continually at war somewhere since the end of WW2 and has troops and bases all over the world. We are always sticking our noses into someone else's business. The expenses of keeping up the military and dealing with the blowback from the CIA's mess ups are sapping the economy.

People then looked to God. Now few believe and most look to Government.

Morals and ethics are given lip service but considered foolish by most. Restraints on outright evil and perversion are nearly gone. Our own government indulges in torture, imprisonment without charges or trial, spying on our own people, etc.

If we can get past this time, and reverse the government dependency culture before the economy totally collapses or a new war breaks out, then find a way to provide opportunities, we could do well.


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