Keeping Back the Jungle

     After all the rain this summer, plus the two nasty summer colds I have had, the brush has encroached on the lawn and the woods have encroached on the brush. That's not to mention how long the lawn has gotten. I have used the last week to mow lawn and weed whip the brush (after I got a new clutch for the string trimmer from Amazon and installed it!). It has been hot work, with the humidity as high as it has been, but I am making progress. It is usually too wet to cut until afternoon, when the heat and humidity are at their peak.

     It bothers me that it wastes so much time. No matter how often you mow and trim, you know that in a few weeks of sickness and being unattended it will already have begun to grow back in, and after I have passed on the place will return to brush and then to woods. Maybe I should fence it and get some animals!

     I am on the third day of a 3-day fast. Usually I do an alternate day fast, but this time I thought I would try a longer one. It is the only way I have discovered that works for me to lose weight. So far I have gone from 218 lbs to 205 in a month. I also am getting more exercise by walking Lucy two or three miles a day (and of course, the yard work). I feel great! The next project, if the rain ever stops, is scraping and re-coating the roof.

     We have gone on a few afternoon drives. I see so many houses getting run down or sitting empty with for sale signs out front. Listening to the news, you would think we were in an economic boom! There are more jobs posted around the area, but they don't pay much, and you have to have a decent car and drive miles to get to them. Employers can't find help. I guess it is more profitable for folks to stay home and collect disability, and get health insurance and other government benefits, while they are penalized by getting a job and working.

     It is also hard to understand why the government keeps pushing other countries into corners, condemning them for doing the same things our government does to others, and stirring up wars. We should mind our own business and stay out of wars unless we are attacked. And if I hear about Russian collusion much more I am seriously considering cutting myself off from all media.


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